Let's hear the sounds of the stars
Are you ready to turn into little noisemakers and imagine the sounds of celestial bodies? What sound do we make for the stars? And what noise do we imagine for galaxies? Let's play to invent a sound map of the silent Universe!
A laboratory curated by Schermi e Lavagne, Educational Department of the Cineteca di Bologna, in collaboration with the National Institute of Astrophysics.
Sense involved
Fondazione cineteca di Bologna is a foundation for film culture, which includes a Fim Archive, a laboratory for the restoration of motion picture films L’Immagine Ritrovata, a rich, scientific publishing activity, the Renzo Renzi Library with the archives of films by Pasolini, Chaplin, and Mastroianni, and many other collections. Â
Festivals: Officinema Festival, Slow Food on Film, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Human Rights Nights, the event Sotto le stelle del cinema.
Sara Ricciardi, astronomer coordinator of the national working group tinkering creative learning and game INAF. Deputy head of the Center for Infancy and the Mediterranean, the Italian center of the Office of Astronomy for Education. You have extensive experience in designing, developing and managing children's workshops. She is responsible for numerous teacher training programs certified by the Italian Ministry of Education. You take care of the tinkering and gaming sections of the PLAY platform, the INAF site for innovation in education.