Galactic guide for poet-Hitchhikers
“A galactic guide for poets-hitchhikers” is an attempt to answer the question as clearly as possible: “But what exactly does an astrophysicist study?”: here starts a journey to the (re)discovery of a fascinating and unknown place: the Universe. You will navigate among planets, stars and black holes, while sitting comfortably on your own chair. The show is suitable for everyone, young and old, professionals and not. The only skill required is curiosity. The last thing you should know is that Luca, your personal tour guide inside the Cosmos, due to a professional bias, he likes to complicate his own life: all the stages of his route will not be just stories, but real pieces of performative poetry (known to nerds: the author assures he does not belong to the Vogon race).
Sense involved
Luca Tironi. Recent studies revealed that Luca Tironi is a small astral body, a dwarf galaxy in fact. Those same studies, however, warn about his appearance, from which we should not be deceived: indeed, it seems that anything which happens to orbit around him, eventually ends up by being gravitationally bound to him forever. This is because his dark matter/ordinary matter ratio is about 100 to 1: he just invisibly attracts everything around him in order to condense it within himself and mix it in forms often incomprehensible to himself. Someone says that this behaviour is typical of a Capricorn, but he does not understand much about Astrology, and inevitably writes poems.